Renova Art Comissions: Sanctuary
Sanctuary, a photographical homage dedicated to the “Nascente do Almonda” (Almonda Spring) Caves, is a project commissioned by Renova in 2017 to the Portuguese artist Filipe Condado (Lisbon, 1973).
The construction of Renova's initial industrial space, today largely disused, concealed but, in doing so, protected the “Nascente do Almonda” during the first seven decades of the 20th century. We intend to show the beauty and charm of an untouched planet, in this case, of the “Nascente do Almonda” Caves, contributing to the reversal of damage caused as well as to its future preservation.
At this location are numerous caves that have been scientifically studied, giving rise to a number of great and important discoveries including the famous hominid skull, Aroeira 3.
Title: Sanctuary
Author: Filipe Condado
Format: Soft Cover | 132 pages
Language: English
Dimensions: 235 x 340 mm | 875g
Editor: Renova S.A.
ISBN: 978-979-20-8743-6